Sunday, March 8, 2009

Budget update

I figured that I should get this down before the week starts and I run out of energy and end up throwing out all the reciepts from this weekend because they are clogging up my purse.

I didn't make it out much last week so not really a whole lot to track.

Target 3-5-09
29 various packages of London Broil and Top Round steak
1 dz eggs $1.25
Used 29 $2/1 TC
Total $8.01

Target 3-7-09 Savage
5 packages Top Round
-5 $2/1 TC
Total $2.10

Target 3-7-09 Burnsville
10 packages various meat/steak
-10 $2/1 TC
Total $5.73

Cub 3-8-09
10 Kraft cheese, shredded and block $2.50=$25
-10 $.75/1 Blinkie
-$10 OYNO
Total OOP $7.50 received $10 OYNO for spending $25 and $2 OYNO because I bought 3 2% blocks of kraft cheese.

Round #2
12 Kraft cheese slices $2.22=$26.64
-12 $.75/1 blinkies
-$10 OYNO
-$2 OYNO
Total OOP $5.64 received $10 OYNO for spending $25

Round #3
10 Kraft cheese, shredded and block $2.50=$25
-9 $.75/1 Blinkie
-$10 OYNO
Total OOP $8.25 received $10 OYNO for spending $25 and $2 OYNO because I bought 3 2% blocks of kraft cheese.

Jason went out for me tonight and got this while I was updating.
Cub 3-8-09
2lb bag white onions $1.79
5lb bag of potatoes $2.50
2 64oz Land-O-Lakes OJ $2.29
2 Cub syrup $2.29
2 Baby carrots $1.59
-BOGO carrots in ad coupon
-BOGO syrup in ad coupon
-BOGO OJ in ad coupon
Total $10.46
Jason also got washer fluid and then used
-$10 RR
-$2 RR
Cause of this I am adding $1.54 back into the cash side of the budget being that is the overage from the $2 OYNO which was used on the washer fluid.

Total for last trip -$1.54
Total the past week $35.69
Total for the month $41.40
Total left to spend $43.60

Hope that made sense to everyone.

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