Friday, February 5, 2010


Rainbow is now doubling on Saturday also. This week there are some good printable coupons to go with the sale. Check the post below for some ideas. Also check out coupons in our pockers. Each week she posts a scenario using only printable coupons. It's really helpful when your coupons are a mess and you can't find want you need.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Some new printables

Free 1/2 gallon chocolate milk WYB 2 gallons of white
Sign up to win free milk for a year and you will get the coupon.

$1/1 instant or regular Quaker oatmeal, FF, IE

$2/2 Nabiso crackers IE, FF

$3/1 Neosporin Lip Health IE, FF

$3/1 Thermicare 2pk or larger