Wednesday, August 13, 2008

August 10-16

Donuts $4.19

Ribs $2.58

2 gallons milk
4 apples
1.5 lb tomatoes
31 yogurt 4pks
Wheat bread
- 31 $1/1 yogurt
-$10 OYNO (expired today and they were out of the $1 per LB meats)
Total OOP $3.08

Total so far this week $9.85
Total Spent this month $32.42
Total left for the month $55.43 + $8 OYNO, $2 OYNO at Cub + 2 $5 OYNO at Walgreens

Budget Update

I don't have a ton to add to the spending for this month. Like I said in the last post I have been quite busy, and also not feeling so hot. Together it means I haven't been shopping much the last two weeks. Not really a bad development.

Pledge wipes $3.50
Pledge spray $3.50
Total OOP $2.48, + $2 OYNO

Bread $1.19

10 Sobe Life water $1
- 10 $.50/1 Peelies
-$5 Target gift card WYB 10
Total OOP $.35

Pledge spray $2.50
Pledge wipes $3.50
-$2 OYNO
OOP $.48 + $2 OYNO

French Bread $2.99
-Free bread survey coupon
OOP Free

4 boxes Nurtigrain bars $2.50
-$5 OYNO from diaper deal last month
Total OOP paid on Walgreens gift card $4.65. Received 2 $5 OYNO coupons.
10 Sobe Life Water
-10 $.50/1 Peelies
-$5 giftcard WYB 10 life water
Total OOP $1.79

3 Carrots $1.59
3 Frozen Peas $1.69
Pledge clothes $4
Pledge spray $4
-$2 OYNO
-2 $1.50 OYNO (Mom gave me her's from Friday)
-B1G2 Cub coupon, carrots
-B1G2 Cub coupon, Frozen veggies
Total OOP $.78 + $2 OYNO

Total Spent this weekend $3.40
Total Spent this month $22.57
Total left for the month $65.28+ $10 OYNO, $8 OYNO, $2 OYNO at Cub + 2 $5 OYNO at Walgreens

Taking a break

As you might have noticed I haven't been keeping up with the blog this week and last. There has been a lot of end of summer busyness going on. On top of that I haven't been feeling well which is making it hard to make the weekly list. I haven't even been looking at things for my personal list.

I have decided just to make it definite and say that I am taking a little vacation from the list. This way I don't struggle to get it out every week and then feel back when I don't get it done. We will be out of town towards the end of August so I think the easiest thing to do it just to start again with the weekly list at the beginning of September.

I'm planning on still updating the budget. I've found that having it all typed up helps me to keep on track and to know where I am spending. I tend to spend a lot less when I put it on the blog. Hopefully I can get last weeks purchases up tonight and go from there.

Thanks all for understanding. Hope you have a great end to your summer. See you when school starts.