Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Grace Elizabeth

So it's been a little while since I've posted. As many of you know my family has been expecting baby girl Gudim April 4.

I went in for my regular OB about a week and a half ago and again measured much smaller then I should be. After an Ultrasound it was determined that baby's fluid level was too low and I needed to be induced sooner rather then later. We went in last Tuesday morning and Grace Elizabeth Gudim was born Tuesday afternoon.

We came home Thursday afternoon and have spent the week getting adjusted to having another person in the family.

Grace is doing great. She was born at 5lbs, 5oz and dropped to 4lbs, 12oz by the time we came home. At her check up today she was back up to 5lbs, 4.8oz. Her doctor was quite impressed that she gained 1/2 a lb in such a sort time.

I'm probably going to be taking a break from posting for the next week or two. If there is something superb I'll try to get on and post.

1 comment:

Nick said...

SO I am going to go overbudget this month in groceries and its ALL YOUR FAULT! I hope you feel guilty!

-Your brother in law!