Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A little behind

Unfortunately this post is not about my little behind. As I grow more and more pregnant my behind seems to grow more and more as well. Instead it is to admit that I seem to be falling behind with the blog. I have wonderful intentions, great thoughts of all the posts I want to make, but it seems that there just isn't ever enough time to sit on the computer and type everything out.

I woke up quite early this morning. For those who know me you understand how odd that is. Noah isn't awake yet so I think that I might be able to squeeze in a couple of posts. I hope to be able to get the monthly budget updated first. I know most of you probably don't care too much about how much I personally spend on groceries, but it really helps me know what I'm using the money on and if I'm spending more then I should.

After that I am planning on posting this weeks menu. I also want to do an abbreviated list for the week. The deals aren't that great and most of us are probably already thinking about Black Friday.

I also want to post a welcome and maybe a little bit about me and what I try to do with this crazy shopping blog that I have. People have been telling me that they've been sharing the blog with friends and co-works. I had thought that maybe about 20 new people might have come by to check it out. When I looked at my stats this morning I saw that in the past month over 240 new people have looked at the blog. Who knows how many of the new people are coming back, but it's probably time I introduce myself.

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