Tuesday, November 11, 2008

"Bank Error"

Have you ever played Monopoly and gotten the Chance card that says, "Bank Error in Your Favor"?

This evening I found an error in my adding as I was doing the check book. Because of it I'm ending up with $15 more grocery money then I thought I had.

I was updating our checkbook program and found a Cub entry that didn't match up with Wellsfargo. Turns out I had entered the pre-giftcard total into the checkbook, instead of what I had actually spend. During one of the deals the $15 didn't print out so they gave me a gift card. Usually that amount would have come out under the coupons, but on this reciept the giftcard came off after the total.

When adding up how much I spent last week I added in the amount I thought I had spent on the reciept instead of the actual amount. I'll be adding the extra $15 to my budget. Makes me feel a whole lot better because I was wondering how I ended up spending so much. I had planned on $25 for last week so $58.xx after the OYNO coupons seemed really high.

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