Thursday, November 27, 2008

Star Tribune Double Bonus

Just wanted to let you all know that there is an extra bonus to buying papers today. Most of you know about the Herberger's coupon I posted about yesterday. I was looking through the paper and found that Trade Secret has another $10/$10 coupon in the paper today. It is in the B section of the Star Tribune. I can't remember the exact page it is on, but knows it's a couple of pages from the back.

This coupon has a lot less restrictions then the Herberger's coupon. It is good on any $10 or more purchase. The system won't take the coupon if you are under $10, but you can get two or three items to make it to $10 if you need to. The only other restriction I have found is that it is limit one per person. Basically, you can only use one coupon, per person, per store, per day. For me it is hard to use a bunch before they expire because I stay at home and it is hard to make a special trip just to use one coupon. I know some of you have been able to use at least 4 or more in a day before.

As a side note, the Pure Beauty in the Eden Prairie mall takes the $10/$10 coupons because it is actually a Trade Secret. They were changing names to Pure Beauty, but now are going to change back to Trade Secret, a little confussing.

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